How to Quit Antidepressants

how to quit antidepressants - woman with doctor

Before you quit antidepressants, here are some things you can do before you talk to your doctor:

Appoint a Buddy

Ask a friend or family member for help – don’t go through this alone.  Your buddy can help you prepare for doctor’s visits, go with you to see your doctor and help you keep track of your tapering schedule.


Personal Assessment Chart as you go through stopping antidepressants

Write down how you’re doing on antidepressants by preparing a Self Assessment Chart using a T-Scale format:

Download your PERSONAL ASSESSMENT CHART (PAC) or make your own:

  • WRITE your NAME and DOB across the top
  • NOTE  the name of your antidepressant and the milligram dose/day
  • DRAW a vertical line down the middle of the page
  • LABEL the two columns PROS and CONS
  • LIST your positive reactions under PROS
  • LIST  your negative reactions under the CONS

Your entries will reflect how you feel today, both emotionally and physically – it will give your doctor a concrete portrait of how you’re doing.    

Start an RX Calendar

Print off a copy of the current month and put your name at the top along with the DRUG NAME and DOSE.  Fill it in every day.  When you start to come off your antidepressant, this becomes your taper calendar.

Call Your Doctor for an Appointment

Once you’ve completed your Self Assessment Chart, pick up the phone and call your doctor to make an appointment.  Ask your buddy to go with you.

When you talk to your doctor:

  • Share your Self Assessment Chart
  • Ask for a written taper schedule
  • Ask for a list of discontinuing side effects 

For more specifics about tapering off antidepressants, go to Tapering Tips.

 If you have any questions about how I got off antidepressants, let me know.